30 Day Jump Rope Challenge

Back in July, I asked you guys to do 100 kettlebell swings every single day for 30 days straight.

Sounds a bit insane, I know.

But the feedback and response I got from the 30-day kettlebell swing challenge were incredible and I was beyond excited to see so many people follow through the entire 30 days.

Much was gained from that challenge.

What most of us thought was going to be a physically demanding challenge turned out to be something completely different.

Something deeper. More stimulating.

It turned out that the act of having to consistently do the same thing every single day was far more of a mental challenge than anything else.

It was about breaking through personal barriers and fighting the demons in our minds that make us doubt ourselves.

It was about tearing through our perceived limitations.

Because no matter what was going on in your day, you knew, in the back of your mind somewhere, that those swings had to get done. It didn’t matter what situation or limitation you were facing, you had to get it done. Period.

And that’s the part of the challenge that people loved the most. The part they benefited from the most. It wasn’t the swings themselves that were difficult. It was about finding a way to get them done when every fiber in your body was resisting it.

And now, it’s time to embark on a new challenge.

Only this time it’s going to be much bigger. Much more intense. And you’ll have new barriers to breakthrough. New demons to fight. New obstacles to conquer. But, if you stick with me, I promise that it will be more than worth it.

I hope you’re ready!

30 Day Jump Rope Challenge

Introducing the 30-day jump rope challenge.

For the next 30 days, you’re going to become best friends with your jump rope. You’ll be a team. A one-man-one-rope wrecking crew.

For the next 30 days, you’re going to master the jump rope. You’re going to fight through the pain and frustration and you’re going to develop incredible balance, coordination, and stamina along the way.

The jump rope is an incredible tool with incredible benefits. And you will learn that first hand during this challenge.

Here’s how it’s going to work…

Beginning March 15th, 2022, your daily challenge will be to perform and record as many repetitions as you can with the jump rope in 5 straight minutes.

Five minutes of rep-based skipping. Every single day. 30 days straight.

Here are more details:

  • You can use any rope you wish for this challenge: heavy, light, cable, plastic, whatever. It doesn’t matter. The only rule is that you have to stick with this same rope for all 30 days. If you don’t have a jump rope, you can get a simple plastic speed rope for under $10 at any general fitness store. Here’s how to pick the right one.
  • The 5 minutes of skipping must be continuous. Your objective is to perform as many repetitions as you can in those 5 minutes and to consistently try to improve on that number over the course of the 30 days.
  • You may either count in your head, have a partner count, or record yourself with a video camera and count afterward.
  • You may rest at any point, but the clock does not stop until the 5 minutes are up.
  • You can perform your skipping wherever you prefer, just please do not do it on concrete
  • You’re free to use this as your warm-up, cool-down, or even as part of your workout
  • You are to track your progress as described below (optional, but highly recommended)
  • You’re allowed to use any jump rope variations you wish. You can get some ideas here. To make things fair, a double under (for those who can do it) is worth two repetitions.

Food for thought:

If you’re struggling with your timing and basic single unders, this challenge is a perfect opportunity for you to really push yourself, breakthrough some barriers, and improve on your jump rope skills.

Over the next 30 days, I’ll be sharing lots of tips and tricks on how you can improve your jump rope technique. I’ll be doing this through my newsletter so if you haven’t signed up for the free newsletter yet, you can do so below:

Sign up to get jump rope tips.

As you can see, this challenge is more than just about doing something every single day.

It is about pushing yourself to consistently improve. To become better as the days go along.

Of course, you are going to have days where you’ll want to take it easy and not push things to the limit. You’ll have days where your rhythm is off and frustration strikes. You’ll have days where you’re just not in a mood to go hard. Don’t get discouraged. Do your 5 minutes of skipping as beast as you can and remember that tomorrow is always a new day.

The important thing is to never quit. Finish your 5 minutes no matter how difficult they may be. No matter how many reps you hit, always finish your 5 minutes.

On the days where you’re full of energy and you’re excited to get out there and set a new personal record, make sure you kill it. Go all out. Make it happen.

As long as you are jumping rope for 5 minutes every single day and you’re making progress in your numbers, you’re doing great. If you do happen to skip a day, don’t try to make up for it the next day. That’s not the point of this challenge. Instead, scratch it off as a N/A and focus on your next day.

Tracking your Progress

As I mentioned in the details, you will have the ability to track your progress publicly.

Although optional, I highly recommend you take advantage of this. Studies have shown that when people are being observed – i.e. kept accountable by others – their performance increases substantially.

Here’s how this is going to work…

I’ve created a simple Excel sheet using Google Drive (what was once Google Documents). I have made it completely public so all participants will have access to this. Anyone can open it and add their information to it. Note: you don’t need to create a Google account to be able to edit it.

Here’s the tracker:

30 day Jump Rope Challenge Tracker.

The tracking process is very simple.

There are three things you need to do:

1 – The first time you open the tracker, you need to enter your name in the far left column under the heading Name (I’ve already added mine).

2 – Over the course of the 30 days of the challenge, add your daily rep count for that specific day which is shown in the very top row.

3 – Once you add your rep count, right click on that cell with your number in it and choose Insert Comment. A little pop up box will open up here to allow you to enter any information you want about that day. This is where you can write down anything you want about that day’s jump rope session. Keep track of any particular changes in your energy levels, soreness, interesting differences, etc. Add anything you think is important that may have played a part in you getting that number. These comments become invaluable as the days go on because you can see exactly how every day went.

Note: all changes are automatically saved on the spreadsheet. Make sure you wait until the All Changes Saved message shows up before you close the spreadsheet (see top right corner of first image above).

Important Note: Please do not tamper with other people’s numbers. If you’d like to be safe with your own numbers, keep track of them in a little notebook or other medium just to ensure your numbers are kept safe.

Don’t be afraid to share your progress with others. Remember that this isn’t a competition with other participants. This is a competition with yourself. It is for you to see how far you can push yourself. It’s for you to see how much you can improve.

Other participants can help keep you accountable and help keep you on track. Leverage this tool to motivate each other to become better.

How to join the challenge

Now that you understand the details of this challenge, here’s how you can join:

To become an official participant, scroll down to the bottom of this page and leave a comment on this post introducing yourself and announcing your participation.

Then head over to the jump rope tracker we just talked about, and add your name to the list.

If you want to share your experiences with others over the course of the 30 days, you can always come back and leave a comment on this blog. Or you can use one of the following methods:

1 – Twitter
Click here to tweet that you’ll be participating in the 30 day jump rope challenge.

I’ve also set up a Twitter hashtag for the jump rope challenge:


Use this hashtag to share anything interesting that happens to you throughout the challenge. You can share your new PRs. You can share any obstacles or difficulties you are facing. Tell us what rope you’re using. How you handled a bad day. Share pictures of yourself skipping.

Remember that you have 140 characters to work with!

2 – Facebook Page
Feel free to use the Bloom to Fit Facebook Page to share any of your experiences as well. I’d love to see some pictures and videos posted there of you guys skipping! This is also your best medium for asking specific questions throughout the challenge.

The Prizes
Did I mention that there are prizes to be won here?!

BIG prizes too!

Here’s what’s up for grabs:

A free copy of my new jump rope training program that’s going to be released at the end of the challenge.
A complete CrossRope jump rope set (a $170 value!). Dave Hunt from CrossRope was kind enough to offer a full, complete set of CrossRope jump ropes for this challenge. You can learn more about them in my CrossRope review post.

So what do you have to do to win?

Here are the prerequisites:

Join the challenge (as explained above),
Track your progress using the tracker provided,
Participate and keep us posted with your challenge.
That simple!

After the 30 days of the challenge are done, I’m going to select three winners. First place will get the full package (jump rope set and new jump rope training guide). Second and third place will receive the jump rope training guide.

The winners are going to be chosen based on three factors:

1 – All requirements above are met,

2 – Your personal improvements according to the tracker you fill out daily. So the more you push yourself to improve, the better chance you’ll have at winning,

3 – Participation! The more you participate on the tracker, on Twitter (using the hashtag), on Facebook, and on this blog, the better chance you’ll have of winning. The more you share this post, the more you motivate others, the more you share your experiences, the more pictures or videos you put op on the Facebook page, the better chance you’ll have of winning.

Final Notes

That’s about it. Sorry to make it so long!

Remember, March 15, 2022 is the official start date of the challenge. I’ll be reminding everyone on my newsletter.

That means you have one week to officially join the challenge and prepare yourself for an intense 30 days of jumping rope.

If you don’t have a rope, get yourself a simple speed rope from any general fitness store. Read through my Jump Rope Manifesto again for jump rope tips and ideas.

And help spread the virus.

If you’re on Twitter, click here to tweet that you’re participating in the jump rope challenge, If you’re on Facebook, share this post with your friends and family.

Let’s get as many people involved as we can!

Let’s get jumping!

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