10 Skipping Rope Exercises for a Better Body

Hey guys!

So, in a recent post, I wrote about my affection for skipping and the incredible benefits of skipping rope.

But today is a new day.

Today, I want to talk about something new, something different. I want to show you how you can progress your skipping routine by adding some cool variations.

I want to show you a few skipping rope exercises that can help you build an incredible body.

Let’s get started…

Skipping requires complete coordination of your entire body.

Skipping combines rhythm and timing as you have to recognize the skipping rope’s distance, direction, speed, and position.

Skipping is a great cardiovascular exercise and is a great way to burn a boatload of calories.

Researches say that one hour of skipping rope can help you burn over 1,000 calories.

But I’ve been skipping for a long time now. My training routine as a boxer relied heavily on skipping rope. It was a huge part of our training structure when I trained Muay Thai. And, as we all know, when you do something for a while, it tends to get a little bit boring.

My solution to boredom?

Add Variation

I started incorporating a variety of skipping rope exercises into my skipping routine. Or, more simply, I started to play around with different combinations. I started to change up my foot patterns, my pace, my hand movements. I started to utilize equipment such as Bosu balls. I tried anything I could think of.

So, in honor of the grueling skipping workout I just completed, here is a list of my 10 favorite most effective skipping rope exercises:

1. Criss-cross

An easy method is when each jump you cross and uncross your feet. You’ll want to make sure to change up the patterns to give yourself an extra challenge. When I do this workout I’ll cross my feet with my right foot about three or four times, and my left foot in the front only one time. Doing this a few times a week can drastically improve focus and hand-eye coordination. Please see the image below to see exactly how to do this properly.

Foot patterns for criss-cross. Follow steps 1 to 4. Make sure you stay on your toes the entire time.

2. Heel to Toe

I don’t remember where I learned this variation but it’s been a great addition to my list. Simply jump forwards and backwards only forwards you’re landing on your toes and backwards you’re landing on your heels. Be careful on the heel landing – it should be soft.

3. Running in Place

After my workout, I’ll end everything with this skipping rope exercise. Every skip of the rope is one footstep. Think of it as running in one spot but with a rope in your hands. This exercise is excellent for cardio and improving muscle endurance in your arms.

4. Side rope swings

This is not a foot placement variation. It is a very popular hand maneuver that I’ve picked up during my boxing career. It has helped me tremendously in making my skipping workouts more effective. The reason is two-fold: 1) It’s great for transitioning from one combination to another; 2) It works wonders from relieving your arms of tension (during prolonged workouts). It takes a while to get but if you work on it you’ll see it’s not very difficult. The idea is to push the skipping rope to the side by moving both hands to one side. On the next skip, you bring the rope back to the middle so it goes around your body.

I’ve just realized how hard it is to explain this one with words so I’ve made a video to show you exactly how it’s done. Click here to see the video (note: this variation is outlined at the 1:07 minute mark). This is by far the most effective skipping rope exercise as I often combine it with all the others.

5. High knees

I usually do high-knees when I’m looking to warm up before sprinting or doing any type of leg workout. You probably already know what high knees are, but for those who don’t the idea is to bring each knee up to your chest and run in place. This is a great exercise for your abs and hip flexors.

6. Double Jumps

This is probably the most difficult combination to pull off. Boxers use this variation most often (in fact, some of them only skip using double jumps). The idea is to jump high enough and swing your hands fast enough so the rope goes around twice for each jump. This one will take a while to master but it is worth the effort.

7. One Foot Jumps

The concept here is simple – skip on one foot instead of two. You’ll really feel your calves working here. Play around with this one. Change up how many jumps per foot. Change up how you land on each foot (toe or heel). Change up your landing spots. Be creative.

8. One + Combo

This is a combination of the one-foot jumps and the side rope swings. I try to play around with all sorts of combinations and this one I found particularly effective (and fun). Start by doing one one-foot-jump on each foot, then do a side swing. Do two one-foot-jumps on each foot then a side swing. Next is three one-foot-jumps and a side swing. Continue progressively increasing the number of one-foot jumps and use a side swing as a transition. Feel free to go up to whatever number you think you can handle. I often work my way up and then work my way back down. It’s a great physical and mental challenge.

9. Split Jumps

This exercise will take some balance and coordination. This is actually one of the harder workouts that you’ll find on this list. To do this you’ll alternate one foot forward and one foot back while on your toes. This will take some practice so don’t give up on it! I’m still trying to improve on this one myself.

Foot patterns for split jumps. Alternate between positions 1 and 2. Remember to stay on your toes the entire time.

10. Two-by-two combo

You’ll probably have a lot of fun with this one. To do this exercise you’ll jump twice with each foot and alternate. For the pace start slow and gradually increase your speed. You can even increase the count of cobinations. Get creative and have fun with it!

Skipping workouts allow you to get creative. Nothing is set in stone. I encourage you to try different combinations. You’ll likely be surprised by how many ideas pop up in your head.


I’ve put together a new post that outlines everything you need to know about skipping rope. Find it here:

Jump Rope Manifesto: Complete Guide to Skipping Rope

Skipping will always be a huge part of my training routine. There are simply too many benefits to pass up. If you’re like me, you’ll need some variation to keep you entertained. Try out my 10 skipping rope exercises and let me know what you think! If there are any unique combinations you know of, please share them in the comments below.

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